In the Living Room

Living rooms in United States homes are used for different purposes by different families.  In some homes, the living room is a formal room containing the best furniture and is only used to entertain formal guests.  These homes will have separate rooms for watching television, playing games or doing school work.  It is more common for the living room to be the center of family life: the place where children play games or do school work, the place where the family watches television, the place where conversations with guests take place.  Many times, all these activities occur at the same time, which can be rather confusing.

This person is relaxing in a rocking chair. This tan sectional with blue throw pillows is in a corner. They are sitting on the floor watching television. This is a green sofa or couch. It may be a sleeper sofa. This is a stereo with 2 larg

تاریخ : یکشنبه 89/10/12 | 12:42 صبح | نویسنده : شاهی | نظرات ()
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