This student is wearing a cap and gown, garments which are symbols of graduating from a school. This young man is working on his homework - school work which is meant to be done at home. Sometimes students put their heads down on their desks because they are bored or tired.  Many schools allow students to store their books and supplies in metal lockers like this one.

   This lesson will be dealing mainly with what we call public schools, those open to the public and paid for by the government through taxes received from the public.  Some colleges and universities are also considered to be public because they receive much of their financial support from the government.

This young woman is looking for information in one of her textbooks. Many students ride to school in a yellow school bus like this one.  Alfred is too large for his desk You might see a map of the United States in a History or a Geography class.

تاریخ : شنبه 89/9/20 | 6:0 عصر | نویسنده : شاهی | نظرات ()
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