Sample Letters

March 25, 1999

To Whom It May Concern:

I am pleased to be asked to write a letter of recommendation for Megumi Waragaya. Megumi has been my student for two years at Troy High School. The first year she was in a regular English 10 class. She completed all the work the American students completed. It was a very heavy load for her to manage, but she never asked for special accommodations. By the end of that year, her English had improved drastically in reading comprehension, writing skills, and oral communications with other students.

This past year she has been in my Creative Writing class. In this class she wrote both prose and poetry which was critiqued in small groups of students. She interacted well with others in these critiquing sessions, and again her writing and communication skills improved.

This past semester she has been working on our Literary Magazine, Anthesis. She is dedicated to contributing as much as all the other students. She approached me to explain that she didn"t feel she could do a very thorough job proofreading English yet, but offered her skills in computer graphics. I feel this demonstrated good initiative on her part.

I am confident that Megumi will do well as she attempts further schooling.


Sincerely yours,


Mary L. Noble

English Teacher

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