Woody and Buzz had accepted that their owner Andy would grow up someday, but what happens when that day arrives? In the third installment, Andy is preparing to depart for college, leaving his loyal toys troubled about their uncertain future.

Also Known As:

Toy Story III
Production Status: Released
Genres: Action/Adventure, Comedy, Animation and Sequel
Running Time: 1 hr. 38 min.
Release Date: June 18th, 2010 (wide)
MPAA Rating: G
Walt Disney Studios Distribution
Production Co.:
Pixar Animation Studios
Skywalker Sound
JoAnn Kane Music Service
Sony Pictures Scoring Stage
Warner Bros. Eastwood Scoring Stage
Luxo Cafe
Pixar Animation Studios
Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
U.S. Box Office: $362,709,000
Produced in: United States

تاریخ : دوشنبه 89/5/4 | 5:32 عصر | نویسنده : شاهی | نظرات (بدون)
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