Most business people carry a cell phone everywhere they go. The most popular view in many offices is the wall clock. The computer has replaced the typewriter in most offices. This is a style of copier that might be used in a small office. More office messages are sent by E-mail than by regular mail today.
Each of these buildings contains office space: the small gas station may have one little room, Cooper Tire may have ten rooms, and the tall buildings may have hundreds of office rooms.  They all handle paperwork for the business.
Most businesses still send important letters in an envelope. A fax-copier can send and receive messages as well as copy papers. A file clerk arranges papers in drawers in a file cabinet. The file clerk puts the papers in a folder like this. This young man is "goofing off" instead of working.

تاریخ : چهارشنبه 89/11/13 | 7:54 عصر | نویسنده : شاهی | نظرات ()
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