1. آرین رضانیا 17.25                         2. یاسین بدری 14

    3.کارین فرهادی 13.25                       4. آرمان میهمی 16.25

    5. عمربهمنی 13.75                           6. نوید مندمی 17.25

    7. مبین زندی 19                               8. سعدی فتحی 14.75

    9. پوریا حیدری 18                             10. سینا کرباسچی 19

    11. فربد تیمورپور 17.5                       12. محمدیاسر مرادی 16.75

    13.کامیار رابطی 17                             14. محمد مهدی رحیمی فر 18.5

    15. مهران کامران پور 17                    16.شکیب وزیری 16

     17.پویا جلیلی 15.25                           18. محمد قطبی 14

     19. محمد برازی 16.5                       20. احمد گلینی 12.75

     21. مصعب احمدی 15.5                  22. علی صیفی 15.75

     23.مهیار بابایی 11                            24. مبین نعمتی 17.5

    25.مبین قوامی 17.25                       26. ادیب نصرتی 19.25

     27.امیر اقبالی  16                             28 پارسا اصطیفایی 19.5

     29. اسماعیل قدمی 19.75               30. علیرضا ناصرآبادی 15.25

     31. محمد حسین مرادپور 17               32. مرصاد غلام ویسی 18.75


تاریخ : چهارشنبه 89/7/28 | 9:29 عصر | نویسنده : شاهی | نظرات ()

NKorea"s Kim, heir apparent son at lavish parade
PYONGYANG, North Korea – Clapping, waving and even cracking a smile, Kim Jong Il"s son and heir apparent joined his father Sunday at a massive military parade in his most public appearance since being unveiled as North Korea"s next leader.

Kim Jong Un, dressed in a dark blue civilian suit, sat next to his father on an observatory platform at Kim Il Sung Plaza as tanks carrying rocket-propelled grenades and long-range missiles rolled by as part of celebrations marking the 65th ادامه مطلب...

تاریخ : یکشنبه 89/7/18 | 10:56 صبح | نویسنده : شاهی | نظرات ()

A Time For Us
(Love Theme From Romeo and Juliet)

A time for us, some day there"ll be
When chains are torn by courage born of a love that"s free
A time when dreams so long denied can flourish
As we unveil the love we now must hide
A time for us, at last to see
ادامه مطلب...

تاریخ : جمعه 89/7/16 | 12:50 صبح | نویسنده : شاهی | نظرات ()

A Life-Saving Cow 

Six consecutive days of spring rain had created a raging river running by Nancy Brown’s farm. As she tried to herd her cows to higher ground, she slipped and hit her head on a fallen tree trunk. The fall knocked her out for a moment or two. When she came to, Lizzie, one of her oldest and favorite cows, was licking her face. The water was rising. Nancy got up and began walking slowly with Lizzie. The water was now waist high. Nancy’s pace got slower and slower. Finally, all she could do was to throw her arm around Lizzie’s neck and try to hang on. About 20 minutes later, Lizzie managed to successfully pull herself and Nancy out of the raging water and onto a bit of high land, a small ادامه مطلب...

تاریخ : سه شنبه 89/7/13 | 12:3 صبح | نویسنده : شاهی | نظرات ()




Verbena شاه پسند

Rose گل سرخ

Narcissus نرگس

Violet بنفشه

Daffodilنرگس زرد  

Lilac یاس


Nasturtium گل لادن

Lily سوسن

Coxcomb گل تاج خروس

Iris زنبق

Petunia اطلسی

Convolvulus نیلوفر

Water lily نیلوفر آبی

Daisy گل مروارید

Corn poppy شقایق

Tulip لاله

Gladioli گلایل

Jasmine یاسمن

Foxglove میمون

Dahlia کوکب

Sunflower آفتاب گردان

تاریخ : شنبه 89/7/10 | 4:45 عصر | نویسنده : شاهی | نظرات ()


  one.gif (80 bytes)

By Amanda

one.gif (80 bytes)
*one.gif (80 bytes)
Sweet dreams,
Sleep tight,
Have a good dream tonight,
Move away from the day,
Relax and don"t delay,
Fly away to dream land,
To a nice peacful place,


*one.gif (80 bytes)

The End

تاریخ : شنبه 89/7/10 | 4:42 عصر | نویسنده : شاهی | نظرات ()
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