Play and Game

Game (n) form play or sport with rules. Play (n) activity done for amusement, esp. children, recreation.

House and Home

A house is any building use for dwelling in, and home is the particular house in which one is living. "Home" may also denote one"s own country. When an English man says, "I am going home this summer" he means going to England.

Meet and Visit 


 come face to face with; come together formally for discussions. 


   a) Go or come to see to see (a person, place, etc) either socially on business or for some other purpose


b) Go or come to see in order to make an official examination or check.

See, Look and Watch

See: means take in the sight of some things. You see a movie when you are looking at one thing.

Look or look at: means take in or understand something by using the eyes. To look, you focus your eyes on some thing. She looked at the sky and saw millions of stars.

Watch: means look at or observe for a long time in order to follow the movement of something in order to be ready for something. Watch can mean look for something or someone. Watch also means keep a close eye on something or someon

Street and Avenue

Street: public rode in a city, tow village with houses and buildings on one side or both sides.

Avenue; 1) wide road or path, often lined with trees, esp. one that leads to a large

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