درس اول
"S مالکیت
گرامر یا دستور زبان این درس درباره استفاده از S مالکیت ، یا آپُستروف S، می باشد و قسمت دیگر گرامر آن درباره استفاده از of در نسبت دادن شیء به شیء دیگر می باشد.
نکات گرامری این درس به ترتیب زیر می باشد.
1 – هر گاه بخواهیم جسمی یا شیء را به انسانی تعلق و مالکیت دهیم، ابتدا یک آپُستروف s یا(s") به آخر اسم انسان اضافه می کنیم سپس نام شیء مورد نظر را به دنبال آن می آوریم . مثال :
Sara"s book : کتاب سارا
Teacher"s pen : خودکار معلم
2 – (s") یا آپُستروف s مالکیت مخصوص تعلق جسم یا شی به انسان است و برای تعلق دادن شی به شی دیگر هرگز به کار نمی رود.
3 - اگر اسمی که می خواهیم شیء را به آن نسبت دهیم به حرف S ختم شود و یا s جمع به دنبال داشته باشد کافی است فقط علامت آپُستروف را سمت راست آن S که در آخر اسم وجود دارد بیاوریم مثل :
Student"s books : کتاب های دانش آموزان
Girl"s dresses: لباس های دختران
4 – اگر بخواهیم شیء را به شئی دیگر تعلق و مالکیت دهیم ، کافی است حرف اضافه of را بین اسم آن دو شی قرار دهیم مثل :
The door of the class : دربِ کلاس
شی تعلق داده شده حرف اضافه
The legs of the table : پایه های میز
5- حرف اضافه of فقط برای تعلق دادن شی به شی دیگر به کار می رود و برای تعلق دادن شی به انسان ها به کار نمی رود.
6 – نکته دیگر این درس در مورد استفاده از «صفت» می باشد. همانطور که می دانید « صفت» کلمه ای است که مشخص کننده وضعیت یا حالت اسم می باشد. صفت قبل از اسم می آید و آن را توصیف می کند مانند :
Old man :مردِ پیر
old: صفت
man : اسم
Easy question : سؤالِ آسان
Easy : صفت
question : اسم
7- در جمله صفت قبل از اسم می آید و آن را توصیف می کنند مانند :
The old man is in the room. پیر مرد در اتاق است
و یا بعد از فعل to be مانند am-is- are میآید مانند :
The question is easy. سؤال آسان است
easy : صفت
This girl is very fat . این دختر خیلی چاق است
fat : صفت
8- نام رنگ ها خود صفت هستند چون اسم را توصیف می کنند مانند :
Blue car اتوبوس آبی
Red shoes کفش های قرمز
9- بعضی از صفاتی که شما با آن ها آشنا هستید عبارتند از :
Tall : بلند , short: کوتاه ,thin: لاغر
Fat : چاق , small : کوچک , large: بزرگ
Old: قدیمی , new: جدید , young: جوان
Hard : مشکل , easy: آسان , blue: آبی
Red: قرمز , yellow : زرد , black : سیاه
تمرین :
1 – با توجه به جملات داده شده ، جملات جدید بسازید و در آن ها "sیا of به کار ببرید.
1- Ali has a car . It is red.
پاسخ: Ali"s car is red .
چون Ali انسان (جاندار) است برای تعلق دادن car به Ali از "s استفاده می کنیم.
2- This table has four legs. These are short.
پاسخ:The legs of this table are short.
چون می خواهیم the legs(بی جان) را به this تعلق دهیم از of استفاده می کنیم.
2 – گزینه صحیح را انتخاب کنید
1- What colour are these apples? They are ………..
a) red apple
b) apples
c) red
d) red apples
پاسخ : گزینه c صحیح است. فقط در مورد رنگ سؤال شده است.
2- whose book is ti? This is ……..
a) Amir"s
b) Amirs"
c) book of Amir
d) books of Amir
پاسخ : گزینه a صحیح است. چون امیر انسان است از "s در آخر اسم آن استفاده می شود.
3 – Those are the ……..books.
a) boys of
b) boy"s
c) librarys
d) library of
پاسخ : گزینه b صحیح است . boy انسان است و s" می گیرد. گزینه های دیگر از نظر گرامری پاسخ درستی نمی دهند.
3 - در تمرین زیر s" یا of به کار ببرید
1. They are my sister ……pens.
پاسخ : s" به کار می رود چون sister جاندار است.
4 – در جای خالی کلمه مناسب به کار ببرید.
1- mina isn"t fat. She is ……….
پاسخ : thin
2- Ali is tall but his brother is ……….
پاسخ : short
3 – The wall Amir ….. house is brown
پاسخ : در اولین جای خالی Of و در دومین جای خالی "s قرار می گیرد.
4. Ahmads mother is a nurse …….is a good nurse.
پاسخ : she
At School
A school is a place to learn, but there are many different kinds of school for learning many different things:
Elementary School, for children from about 6 to 10 or 11 years old;
Middle School, usually grades 4, 5, 6 or 5, 6, 7 ;
Junior High School, grades 6, 7, 8 OR 7, 8, 9;
High School or Senior High School, covering grades 8 or 9 sometimes, but always 10, 11 and 12;
Junior or Community College, offering 2-year Associate degrees as well as many individual courses;
College, offering 4-year degree programs leading to a Bachelor"s degree;
University, offering programs leading to a Bachelor"s, a Master"s or a Doctoral degree);
Vocational or Technical school, teaching specific trades or professions such as plumbing, diesel mechanics, x-ray technician or cosmetology;
Business school, teaching secretarial or office skills, advertising and marketing, and retail management;
Driving schools, to teach people how to drive large trucks or small cars;
Flying school, to teach one how to fly a small airplane;
And many other types of school for learning anything you can imagine.
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This student is wearing a cap and gown, garments which are symbols of graduating from a school. | This young man is working on his homework - school work which is meant to be done at home. | Sometimes students put their heads down on their desks because they are bored or tired. | Many schools allow students to store their books and supplies in metal lockers like this one. |
This lesson will be dealing mainly with what we call public schools, those open to the public and paid for by the government through taxes received from the public. Some colleges and universities are also considered to be public because they receive much of their financial support from the government.
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This young woman is looking for information in one of her textbooks. | Many students ride to school in a yellow school bus like this one. | Alfred is too large for his desk | You might see a map of the United States in a History or a Geography class. |
At the Store
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These shoppers are buying Christmas presents. | A waiter brings food or drinks to your table in a restaurant. |
"I"m going to the store." can have a variety of meanings in English because there are a wide variety of different stores. "Store" can be a Supermarket, a Convenience Store, a neighborhood grocery store, a shoe store, a clothing store, a hardware store, a paint store, a book and magazine store, a butcher shop, a candy store, an automotive parts store, a toy store or a pet store. A store can be a tiny 2 m. by 3 m. newspaper and magazine store or a huge "open 24 hours" Super Wal-mart as large as several football fields.
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You must pay an annual fee to have an American Express credit card. | This character is "broke". That means he has NO money. | Only small or old stores still use a cash register like this. | This person is a cashier waiting for a customer to buy something. |
"I"m going to the store." can mean you are going to buy a pack of cigarettes, a week"s worth of groceries, a pair of shoes or a new television set. Sometimes it means that you are bored and just plan to "window shop" - walk along the street or walk up and down the aisles of a large store or mall looking at the merchandise on display.
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"Discover" is the newest of the major credit cards. | The woman took her dress to the Cleaners to be dry cleaned. | This is a service station or gas station attendant pumping gas into a car. | These paper bags are full of groceries. |
There are a few different ways to buy something from a store. You could pay for the items you want with cash - actual paper money and coins - or with a personal check. You could use a "charge card" issued by and only valid at specific stores - Sears, Penney"s, Circuit City, Macy"s, etc. - for which you receive a monthly bill showing all of your purchases during the previous month. You could pay for your items with a "debit card" - a plastic card that allows money in the amount of your purchase to be withdrawn from your checking account. Finally, you could use a "credit card" such a VISA, Master Card, Discover or American Express, which is like a loan allowing you to purchase something now and pay for it later. Of course, if you cannot pay for it later, the credit card companies add large amounts of "interest" to the amount you owe so that the longer you take to pay, the greater the amount is that you have to pay.
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This is a shopping cart. You can find them in supermarkets and large discount stores like K-Mart. | Master Card is a very popular kind of Credit Card. There is usually no annual fee. | A woman may carry a purse like this when she goes shopping. | This is the symbol for a doctor"s preion or for a pharmacy. |
A woman accompanied her husband to the doctor"s office. After the check-up, the doctor took the wife aside and said, "If you don"t do the following, your husband will surely die."
"1-Each morning, makes him a healthy breakfast and sends him off to work in a good mood."
"2-At lunchtime, make him a warm, nutritious meal and put him in a good form of mind before he goes back to work."
"3-For dinner, make an especially nice meal and don"t burden him with household chores."
At home, the husband asked his wife what the doctor had told her. "You"re going to die." She replied.
خانمی شوهرش را به مطب دکتر برد. بعد از معاینه؛ دکتر، خانم را به طرفی برد و گفت: اگر شما این کارها را انجام ندهید، به طور حتم شوهرتان خواهد مرد.
1- هر صبح، برایش یک صبحانه ی مقوی درست کنید و با روحیه ی خوب او را به سرکار بفرستید.
2- هنگام ناهار، غذای مغذی و گرم درست کنید و قبل از اینکه به سرکار برود او را در یک محیط خوب مورد توجه قرار بدهید.
3- برای شام، یک غذای خوب و مخصوص درست کنید و او در کارهای خانه کمک نکند.
در خانه، شوهر از همسرش پرسید دکتر به او چه گفت: او (خانم) گفت: شما خواهید مرد.