I hope the best wishes to you

تاریخ : شنبه 89/12/28 | 8:19 عصر | نویسنده : شاهی | نظرات (بدون)


Simple questions

Simple questions (that is, questions to which one can respond by a simple "yes" or "no") may be formed in three different ways:

1. "Do": one precedes an assertion with "do" or "does" (or "don"t" or "doesn"t" for a negative expression, or "did", "didn"t" for the past):

  • Do you want to go to the movies?
  • Does she work at IBM?
  • Don"t you travel quite a bit?
  • Do they answer questions quickly?
  • Didn"t they want to eat?

    But: One never places "do" or "does" before the verb "to be" or before modal verbs in questions; in this case it is preferable to invert the subject and verb:

    • Are you coming to the reception?
    • Was the meeting boring?
    • Weren"t you hungry?

2. Inversion: with certain verbs (especially the verbs "to be", "to do", "to have", and modal verbs) questions are formed by inverting the subject and . (In the case of the verb "to have," which is usually combined with "do" in

ادامه مطلب...

تاریخ : چهارشنبه 89/12/18 | 7:9 عصر | نویسنده : شاهی | نظرات (بدون)

1. متین آئینی 44.4                           2.  میثاق احمدیاری46.6
3. پویا بدره کردی 87.7                        4. عدنان برزنجی 43.3
5. سروش بهمنی68.8                             6. مازیار پرویزی56.6
7. فرزین حیدری 67.7                              8. احمد خاطری 77.7
9. دیاکو خورشیدی 77.7                        10. چیا رمضانی 86.6
11. رضا زارعی   60                               12. مهیمن زارعی55.5
13. رضا زاهدی 73.3                            14. رزگار سلیمی 56.6
15. آروین شاهمرادی 60                 16. رائف شیخ احمدی 77.7
17. سپهر شیخی 72.2                             18. یاسین صلواتی 35.5
19. پارسا طعامی67.7                                 20. دانیال عبدی 46.6
21. رضا فائز   61.1                                     22. نوید فیاضی61.1
23. سامان کوهی 40                               24. آروین گلشنی 60
25. نوید محمدی 37.7                              26. سبحان مرادی 77.7
27. دیلان مرادسلیمی 56.6                         28. رامیار مردوخی 92.2
29. احمد منبری 72.2                                 30. بصیر نگهدار 28.8
31. نیما نوری 54.4

تاریخ : دوشنبه 89/12/16 | 3:7 عصر | نویسنده : شاهی | نظرات (بدون)

 1. مصعب احمدی 62.2                        2. پارسا اصطفائی 42.2
3.امیررضا اقبالی 56.6                                4. مهیار بابائی 30
5. یاسین بدری 27.7                                6. پدرام برازی 43.3
7. عمر بهمنی   40                               8. فربد تیمورپور 74.4
9. پویا جلیلی 24.4                                10. پوریا حیدری 81.1
11. کامیار رابطی 62.2                          12. محمد رحیمی فر91.1
13.آرین رضانیا 45.5                                  14. مبین زندی43.3
 15. علی صیفی   45.5                          6.مرصاد غلام ویسی 95.5
17.سعدی فتحی  55.5                      18. کارین فرهادی نیا 17.7
19. اسماعیل قدمی  82.2                            20. محمد قطبی 44.4
 21. مبین قوامی 61.1                          22. مهران کامران پور 36.6
23.سینا کرباسچی 68.8                               24. احمد گلینی 26.6
 25.حسین مرادپور  64.4                            26. یاسر مرادی 53.3
 27.نوید مندمی 62.2                                28 . آرمان میهمی 77.7
29. علیرضا ناصرآبادی 55.5                      30. ادیب نصرتی 60
31. مبین نعمتی 60                               32. شکیب وزیری61.1

تاریخ : دوشنبه 89/12/16 | 2:46 عصر | نویسنده : شاهی | نظرات (بدون)

Lonely Sky

That cold north wind they call “La Bise”

Is swirling ‘round about by knees

Trees are crying leaves into the river

I’m huddled in this French café

I never though I’d see the day

But winter’s here and summer’s really over

Even the birds have packed up and gone

They’re flying South with their song

And my love, she too has gone, she had to fly

ادامه مطلب...

تاریخ : چهارشنبه 89/12/11 | 11:18 عصر | نویسنده : شاهی | نظرات (بدون)



In English nouns rarely change form, even to indicate gender. As a general rule, only nouns referring to people and some animals reflect gender in their form. By the same token, unlike many other languages, the adjectives modifying nouns will remain unchanged.


  • My poor little dog died.

However, certain nouns — especially those referring to people – may have different forms to indicate masculin or feminine usage:

  • man — woman
  • gentleman — lady
  • actor — actress
  • uncle — aunt
  • father — mother

The same can be said of certain male and female animals:

ادامه مطلب...

تاریخ : یکشنبه 89/12/8 | 5:40 عصر | نویسنده : شاهی | نظرات (بدون)

Woman Dies in House Fire

An 80-year-old woman died Tuesday afternoon in a fire. The blaze was reported about 2:30 p.m. at a home on Sunnyside Avenue. The victim was identified as Mary Cass. Her husband, Roy Cass, 80, was not at home at the time of the fire. Investigators from the local fire department were trying to determine the exact cause of the fire. They said it looked like the woman had fallen asleep on the sofa with a cigarette in her hand.

The value of the home was estimated at $700,000. The Casses were married in 1945. Both of them had been smokers throughout most of their lives.

Mr. Cass said, “Six months ago, we decided to quit smoking, because we wanted to live to be 100. So we went to a smoking cessation clinic. The clinic worked! We both managed to quit a month ago. At least I thought we both did. I can"t believe she was smoking behind my back.”

ادامه مطلب...

تاریخ : سه شنبه 89/12/3 | 5:47 عصر | نویسنده : شاهی | نظرات (بدون)
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