At the Store
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These shoppers are buying Christmas presents. | A waiter brings food or drinks to your table in a restaurant. |
"I"m going to the store." can have a variety of meanings in English because there are a wide variety of different stores. "Store" can be a Supermarket, a Convenience Store, a neighborhood grocery store, a shoe store, a clothing store, a hardware store, a paint store, a book and magazine store, a butcher shop, a candy store, an automotive parts store, a toy store or a pet store. A store can be a tiny 2 m. by 3 m. newspaper and magazine store or a huge "open 24 hours" Super Wal-mart as large as several football fields.
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You must pay an annual fee to have an American Express credit card. | This character is "broke". That means he has NO money. | Only small or old stores still use a cash register like this. | This person is a cashier waiting for a customer to buy something. |
"I"m going to the store." can mean you are going to buy a pack of cigarettes, a week"s worth of groceries, a pair of shoes or a new television set. Sometimes it means that you are bored and just plan to "window shop" - walk along the street or walk up and down the aisles of a large store or mall looking at the merchandise on display.
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"Discover" is the newest of the major credit cards. | The woman took her dress to the Cleaners to be dry cleaned. | This is a service station or gas station attendant pumping gas into a car. | These paper bags are full of groceries |
1. مهیار احمدی 17.75 2. مبین اسعدی 18.25
3. اشکان اعظمی 16.25 4. رامتین پهلوانی 16.25
5. پارسا حق شناس 17 6. علیرضا خالدی13.5
7. کیان خالق پناه 16.75 8. سیامند زندی 19.25
9. دانیال زهتابی 11.75 10. پارسا سهیلی فر 17.75
11. مصطفی سیدالشهدایی 13.75 12. زانا عبداله زاده18
13. فرزام عمویان 18.5 14. حمیدرضا کردی 9
15. خشایار کریمی 17 16. اردوان متین14.75
17. عبدالواسع محمدی 15.75 18. شایان مینویی 14.5
19. پوریا نیک روش14.5
1. کیان باباثلجی 15 2. مبین بهزاد19.5
3. فرزام توفیقی18.75 4. روزبه حسین زاده14.5
5. پارسا خلیلی 16.75 6. کامران زمانی16.5
7. شکیب زندکریمی17 8. سهند سارایی18
9. پوریا ساعدی 17 10. شاهو صمدی 11
11. سینا عزیزی 16 12. علیرضا قادری 18.5
13. کامیار کشوریان17 14. ادیب کوهی 15
15. سهیل لعلی 15.75 16. پارسا مجیدی 9.75
17. کامیاب ملک نیا 19.75 18. سروش محمدی 14.25
19. میدیا میراحمدی18.5 20. مازیار یکتایار16.5
Places In And Around The Home
basement kitchen bathroom bedroom
living room dining room upstairs
downstairs garage porch tool shed
office laundry room attic balcony
Places In The Neighbourhood
restaurant police station church bank
park museum grocery store shopping mall
garage theatre hospital rink pool house
post office apartments offices city hall
More Neighbourhood Vocabulary
street corner fence lawn
sidewalk driveway tree
hedge garden mailbox traffic sign
traffic light store building
teacher principal janitor nurse
secretary fireman letter carrier
plumber firefighter bus driver accountant
grocer dentist doctor lawyer waiter
priest banker pilot police officer
computer programer laborer salesperson mechanic butcher baker student
Time Words
second minute hour day
morning afternoon evening night
week weekend month year
Spring Summer Fall or Autumn Winter
Parts Of The Body
body head eye ear
nose mouth tooth (teeth)
hair neck shoulder arm
hand finger thumb leg
foot (feet) toe knee elbow
ankle chin beard moustache
Clothes and Accessories
clothes shirt pants dress
skirt socks underwear
sweater pyjamas shorts shoes
coat scarf hat gloves
jacket suit tie watch
ring necklace bracelet earring
Basic Vocabulary
red white blue brown
black green yellow
orange purple pink beige
The Days Of The Week
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Thursday Friday Saturday
The Months Of The Year
January February March April
May June July
August September October November
desk chalk pen pencil
book binder eraser
ruler blackboard bookcase shelf
tape recorder computer scissors clock
lights waste basket bell locker
School Subjects
art physical education mathematics French
English social studies science
music computers religious studies
Places In The School
office library cafeteria
hall gymnasium washroom playground
staff room classroom janitor"s room computer room
Family and Friends
mother father sister brother
uncle aunt cousin
grandfather grandmother parent friend neighbour
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This student is wearing a cap and gown, garments which are symbols of graduating from a school. | This young man is working on his homework - school work which is meant to be done at home. | Sometimes students put their heads down on their desks because they are bored or tired. | Many schools allow students to store their books and supplies in metal lockers like this one. |
This lesson will be dealing mainly with what we call public schools, those open to the public and paid for by the government through taxes received from the public. Some colleges and universities are also considered to be public because they receive much of their financial support from the government.
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This young woman is looking for information in one of her textbooks. | Many students ride to school in a yellow school bus like this one. | Alfred is too large for his desk | You might see a map of the United States in a History or a Geography class. |
White Christmas
By Irving Berlin
I"m dreaming of a white Christmas,
just like the one I used to know,
where the treetops glisten
and children listen to hear sleigh bells in the snow.
I"m dreaming of a white Christmas
with every Christmas card I write.
May your days be merry and bright,
and may all your Christmases be white.
Dear God...
I know you"re watching over me
And I"m feeling truly blest
For no matter what I pray for
You always know what"s best!
I have this circle of E-mail friends,
Who mean a lot to me;
Some days I "send" and "send,"
At other times, I let them be.
I am so blessed to have these friends,
With whom I"ve grown so close;
So this little poem I dedicate to them,
Because to me they are the "Most"!
I see each name download,
And view the message they"ve sent;
I know they"ve thought of me that day,
And "well wishes" were their intent.
So to you, my friends, I would like to say,
Thank you for being a part;
Of all my daily contacts,
This comes right from my heart.
God bless you all is my prayer today,
I"m honored to call you "friend";
I pray God will keep you safe,
Until we write again.
1. سینا آقامحمدی 19.5 2. پدرام اسداله زاده 16.75
3. مهران اسدی 18.5 4. صهیب اسکندری 19
5. میلاد اکبرنیا 15.75 6. فرزام اکبری 15
7. کامیار اله ویسی 18.25 8. سارو حیدری 18.25
9. متین خزپوش 17.25 10. امیررضا رحمتیان 14
11. بهراد رحیمی فرد 13.75 12. پرهام زارعی 17.75
13. ایمان زنگی بند 17.75 14. میثم سروریان 18.5
15. علی سلحشور 17.25 16. حمید شیخی 17
17. سرکو صالحی 18 18. آرش صداقت 17.25
19. محمدحسین صفی زاده 15.75 20. سروش عباسی 20
21. محمد عبدی 17 22. محمد فتوتی 16.25
23. سمکو فیض اله بیگی 16.75 24. مظهر قربانی 19
25. سینا محمدرحیمی 16.5 26. زانا محمودی 19.25
27. ادیب مردوخی 13.75 28. سهند مریدی 17.75
29. سهند ناصری 19.5 30. نیما واعظی 17.75
31. حامد ویسی 16
معدل کل: 17.25